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Christoph Federrath's simulation movies

Movies to published papers

Movies of the comparison of solenoidal to compressive turbulence forcing (simulations using the ENZO code)

In this case, 128x128x128 grid cells were used, which allows for dumping 800 snapshots at moderate computational costs to make a nice smooth movie.

Movies including tracer particles and adaptive mesh refinement (simulations using the ENZO code)

  • In this movie tracer particles were used to investigate baryonic matter flows in cosmological simulations. → "CosmoTracer.avi"
  • For this simulation of the Kelvin-Helmholtz-Instability, three levels of refinement were used. All tracer particles are on the highest level of the grid hierarchy at all times, which requires processor-to-processor communication. See also the next movie using AMR and "KelvinHelmholtzTracer100.avi" for an explanation of the Kelvin-Helmholtz-Instability. Refinement was applied based on enstrophy, which results in de-refinement in some areas of low enstrophy. → "AMRKelvinHelmholtzTracer.avi"
  • The movie shows a shock propagating through an adiabatic medium with Mach 2. In the course of the propagation, the grid on which the hydrodynamic equations are solved is adaptively refined in the vicinity of the shock front (adaptive mesh refinement). Tracer Particles were added to the fluid, and advected with the shock. → "AMRShockPool2DTracer.avi"
  • This is a simulation of driven turbulence. After the development of the turbulent cascade, self-gravity is activated and tracer particles are placed in regions of density contrast larger than 10 times the mean density. After that the stochastic forcefield is deactivated. The tracer particles get mixed quickly. However, a few of them are held back, especially in regions of high density. As soon as the turbulence has decayed to a state of subsonic turbulence, most of the gas (including the tracer particles) is pulled back by self-gravity into the potential wells of the densest regions. → "DF_3_100_Decay_SelfGravity_TracerMixing.avi"
  • The following movie shows the effect of adiabatic heating by kinetic energy dissipation in a simulation of driven turbulence (Gamma=1.4). Tracer Particles just highlight gas motions. "DrivenFlow_3_100_Ma2_Tracer512.avi"
  • The Kelvin-Helmholtz-Instability is characterized by two flows running in opposite directions. Turbulent motions are excited at the interface of both flows, because of the shear. Tracer particles were added to highlight the dynamics involved in this process. "KelvinHelmholtzTracer100.avi"
  • "KelvinHelmholtzTrace15.avi"
  • "AMRKelvinHelmholtzTracerDynamically.avi"

Movies of driven turbulence (simulations using the Enzo code)

In the following simulations we investigated the stochastic force field, which is used to drive turbulent motions. The algorithm that generates the field is constructed such that we can control the ratio of solenoidal to compressive modes of the force field. Simulation 'DF_1_100_Ma1_density.avi' for example contains solenoidal modes only, whereas in 'DF_1_000_Ma1_density.avi' only compressive modes were excited. Both methods generate turbulent patterns with different properties.

Movies of turbulent combustion in typ Ia supernovae (simulations using the Prometheus code)

The movies are compressed with the DivX-codec. To play them I recommend MPlayer.

Responsible: Christoph Federrath, last modification Dec/01/2014 02:52 CET
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