Diploma Thesis
Strahlungstransport in bewegten, sphärisch-symmetrischen Atmosphären

(Radiative transfer in moving spherical atmospheres)

Erik Meinköhn

Analytical expressions for the frequency-integrated mean intensity and the total flux are obtained for expanding and collapsing spherical gray configurations in radiative equilibrium. Such radiation fields (and the corresponding temperature distribution) could up to a few years ago only be obtained by means of purely numerical work. Our formulae are based on the first two moment equations of the radiative transfer equation and a closure relation that decomposes the radiation field into an isotropic and an outward-peaked contribution and that assures consistency of the definitions of the moments and the corresponding transfer equation. The expressions are exact to first order in v/c and are therefor applicable to a wide variety of objects. The depth dependence of the opacity may be arbitrary, but is considered in detail by a power law and found to result in formulae that can easily be handled. The previously known relation for static spherical media is contained as a special case.

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