Diploma Thesis
Zur Modellierung von Population III - Akkretionsscheiben

Michael Mayer

This diploma thesis presents first approaches for understanding primordial accretion discs. A main part of this work deals with the calculation of the opacity of primordial matter, which is very important for astrophysics with primordial matter. The calculation of opacity is due to the lack of opacity calculations in the low-temperature range. The influence of lithium on the opacity is examined. First very basic models are presented with the aid of these opacities. The disc models are non-selfgravitating Kepler discs with beta-viscosity. The main results of this work are the big impact of lithium as an indirect absorber on the opacities. The discs are all optically thin which is due to the lack of dust in primordial matter. The results of this thesis give a first impression of basic parameters of primordial accretion discs. These results combined with the calculated opacity help us to do better modelling of primordial discs and other primordial astrophysics.

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