------------------------------------------------------------ WELCOME TO THE FIRSTLIGHT DATABASE ------------------------------------------------------------ maintained by Daniel Ceverino, Heidelberg, February 2018 INTRODUCTION TO THIS DATABASE: The database is based on python scripts, so you need to install python first. You may have python already installed. Type 'python' or 'py' in your terminal in order to check it. The database is based on the simple concept of a dictionary. It has 'keyword-value' pairs. For example, Do you want to know the stellar mass of the main progenitor in the FL700 run at redshift 5 (a=1/(1+z)=0.16)? The keyword for this querry would be 'FL700_0.160_Ms'. HOW TO MAKE A QUERY: just type: python make_queries_hart_database.py and follow the instructions. if you make a file with a list of keywords you can get multiple answers: python make_queries_hart_database < list_keys.dat The first row of the file should always be the number of queries you want to submit. More advances features include python scritps for generating ASCII tables with the fields of interest. For example, the script "read_three_fields_at_z_from_database.py" generates an ASCII table with three fields: Mvir, Ms, SFR for all runs at a given redshift redshifts, defined by its expansion factor, a. Available fields: run, a, x, y, z, Rvir , Mvir , Ms, SFR, Mgas ----------------------- DESCRIPTION OF THE FIELDS: ----------------------- run: It is an integer number that defines the simulation. In the current FirstLight database, this number is equal to the FL index. For example, run=700 refers to the main progeniror in FL700. a: This is the expansion factor of the Universe, a=(1+z)^-1, where z is the redsfhit. In this database, the snapshots are spaced by da=0.001. x,y,z: These three fields represent the position of the major progenitor within the cosmological box in comoving Mpc. All the other fields refer to the properties of the galaxy centered at this position. Mvir: This is the virial mass of the halo, defined by an overdensity D(a), defined by Bryan & Norman (1998). The units are solar masses. Ms: This is the stellar mass of the galaxy. It is defined as the stellar mass within 0.15Rv, where Rv is the virial radius. The units are solar masses. SFR: This is the current star formation rate within the galaxy (inside 0.15Rv), averaged over ~10 Myr. The units are solar masses per year. Mgas: This is the gas mass of the galaxy. It is defined as the stellar mass within 0.15Rv, where Rv is the virial radius. The units are solar masses.