/***** TripleBarPendulum & Runge-Kutta-Integration ***** ***** @author: Christoph Federrath *****/ import java.awt.*; import java.applet.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class TripBarPend extends Applet implements Runnable, ActionListener { private static final int Lx = 490, Ly = 330; //graphic window private int xPoints[] = new int[4]; //pixelcoords private int yPoints[] = new int[4]; //pixelcoords private double phi1, omega1; //coordinates and velocities private double phi2, omega2; //coordinates and velocities private double phi3, omega3; //coordinates and velocities private int reib; //friction private static final double grav = 9.81; //gravity private static final double dt = 0.0005; //Runge-Kutta-timestep private double k1[] = new double[4]; //Runge-Kutta private double k2[] = new double[4]; //Runge-Kutta private double k3[] = new double[4]; //Runge-Kutta private double l1[] = new double[4]; //Runge-Kutta private double l2[] = new double[4]; //Runge-Kutta private double l3[] = new double[4]; //Runge-Kutta private double startwert[] = new double[3]; //save initial values private int startwert_reib; //save initial friction private int step; Canvas can, header; Button but_new; Button but_phi1_plus, but_phi1_min; Button but_phi2_plus, but_phi2_min; Button but_phi3_plus, but_phi3_min; Button but_reib_plus, but_reib_min; Checkbox cb_stop; Thread animator; Graphics g, offGraphics, ghead; Image offImage; public void init() { setLayout(null); header = new Canvas(); header.setBounds(1,1,Lx,40); header.setBackground(Color.white); can = new Canvas(); can.setBounds(1,41,Lx,Ly+50); can.setBackground(Color.white); Panel pan = new Panel(); pan.setLayout(null); pan.setBounds(Lx+1,1,100,Ly+90); pan.setBackground(new Color(0,200,100)); pan.setFont(new Font("Verdana",Font.PLAIN,10)); but_new = new Button("New"); but_phi1_plus = new Button("Phi1 +"); but_phi1_min = new Button("Phi1 -"); but_phi2_plus = new Button("Phi2 +"); but_phi2_min = new Button("Phi2 -"); but_phi3_plus = new Button("Phi3 +"); but_phi3_min = new Button("Phi3 -"); but_reib_plus = new Button("Friction ++"); but_reib_min = new Button("Friction --"); cb_stop = new Checkbox("Stop/Go", false); but_new.setBounds(10,20,80,27); but_phi1_plus.setBounds(10,70,80,27); but_phi1_min.setBounds(10,105,80,27); but_phi2_plus.setBounds(10,145,80,27); but_phi2_min.setBounds(10,180,80,27); but_phi3_plus.setBounds(10,220,80,27); but_phi3_min.setBounds(10,255,80,27); but_reib_plus.setBounds(10,300,80,27); but_reib_min.setBounds(10,335,80,27); cb_stop.setBounds(10,380,70,30); cb_stop.setBackground(new Color(0,200,100)); pan.add(cb_stop); pan.add(but_new); pan.add(but_phi1_plus); pan.add(but_phi1_min); pan.add(but_phi2_plus); pan.add(but_phi2_min); pan.add(but_phi3_plus); pan.add(but_phi3_min); pan.add(but_reib_plus); pan.add(but_reib_min); add(pan); add(can); add(header); but_new.addActionListener(this); but_phi1_plus.addActionListener(this); but_phi1_min.addActionListener(this); but_phi2_plus.addActionListener(this); but_phi2_min.addActionListener(this); but_phi3_plus.addActionListener(this); but_phi3_min.addActionListener(this); but_reib_plus.addActionListener(this); but_reib_min.addActionListener(this); ghead = header.getGraphics(); ghead.setColor(Color.blue); ghead.setFont(new Font("Verdana",Font.BOLD,15)); g = can.getGraphics(); g.setFont(new Font("Verdana",Font.BOLD,10)); startwert[0] = Math.PI/180*130.; //phi1 startwert[1] = Math.PI/180*130.; //phi2 startwert[2] = Math.PI/180*130.; //phi3 startwert_reib = 0; //reib xPoints[0] = Lx/2; yPoints[0] = Ly/2; //mounting point }//init() public void startwerte() //method for setting initial values { phi1 = startwert[0]; omega1 = 0.0; phi2 = startwert[1]; omega2 = 0.0; phi3 = startwert[2]; omega3 = 0.0; reib = startwert_reib; step = 0; }//startwerte() public void run() { try{Thread.sleep(500);} catch(InterruptedException e){} ghead.drawString("Triple-Bar-Pendulum",160,25); startwerte(); while(Thread.currentThread() == animator) { if(cb_stop.getState()) //Stop/Go {try{Thread.sleep(10);}catch(InterruptedException e){}continue;} runge_step_phi1(); //Runge-Kutta runge_step_phi2(); //Runge-Kutta runge_step_phi3(); //Runge-Kutta phi1 = phi1 + (k1[0]+2*k1[1]+2*k1[2]+k1[3])/6; //Runge-Kutta omega1 = omega1 + (l1[0]+2*l1[1]+2*l1[2]+l1[3])/6; //Runge-Kutta phi2 = phi2 + (k2[0]+2*k2[1]+2*k2[2]+k2[3])/6; //Runge-Kutta omega2 = omega2 + (l2[0]+2*l2[1]+2*l2[2]+l2[3])/6; //Runge-Kutta phi3 = phi3 + (k3[0]+2*k3[1]+2*k3[2]+k3[3])/6; //Runge-Kutta omega3 = omega3 + (l3[0]+2*l3[1]+2*l3[2]+l3[3])/6; //Runge-Kutta if(step % 20 == 0) //paint not so often { try{Thread.sleep(8);} catch(InterruptedException e){} pixels(); //calculate pixelcoordinates repaint(); //paint new frame } step++; }//while currentThread()==animator }//run() public void paint(Graphics gr) //double buffer { if(offImage != null) { gr = can.getGraphics(); gr.drawImage(offImage, 0, 0, null); } } //paint(gr) public void update(Graphics gr) //double buffer { gr = can.getGraphics(); if(offGraphics == null) { offImage = createImage(Lx,Ly+50); offGraphics = offImage.getGraphics(); } offGraphics.setFont(new Font("Verdana",Font.BOLD,10)); offGraphics.setColor(can.getBackground()); offGraphics.fillRect(0, 0, Lx, Ly+50); paintFrame(offGraphics); gr.drawImage(offImage, 0, 0, null); } //update(gr) public void paintFrame(Graphics gr) { print(gr); //print values gr.drawLine(0,Ly/2,Lx,Ly/2); gr.drawLine(Lx/2,0,Lx/2,Ly); gr.setColor(Color.black); gr.drawString("Step " + step, 20, 10); gr.drawPolyline(xPoints, yPoints, 4); } //paintFrame(gr) public void print(Graphics gr) { gr.setColor(Color.blue); gr.drawString("Energy:",30,Ly+20); gr.drawString("" +(double)Math.round(10*energy())/10,30,Ly+40); gr.drawString("Friction:",120,Ly+20); gr.drawString("" +reib,120,Ly+40); gr.drawString("Phi1:",230,Ly+20); gr.drawString("" +(double)Math.round(10*phi1*180/Math.PI)/10 +"°",230,Ly+40); gr.drawString("Phi2:",320,Ly+20); gr.drawString("" +(double)Math.round(10*phi2*180/Math.PI)/10 +"°",320,Ly+40); gr.drawString("Phi3:",410,Ly+20); gr.drawString("" +(double)Math.round(10*phi3*180/Math.PI)/10 +"°",410,Ly+40); }//print(gr) public void pixels() //method for calculating pixelcoords { xPoints[1] = (int)Math.round((double)xPoints[0] + 60*Math.sin(phi1)); yPoints[1] = (int)Math.round((double)yPoints[0] + 60*Math.cos(phi1)); xPoints[2] = (int)Math.round((double)xPoints[1] + 60*Math.sin(phi2)); yPoints[2] = (int)Math.round((double)yPoints[1] + 60*Math.cos(phi2)); xPoints[3] = (int)Math.round((double)xPoints[2] + 60*Math.sin(phi3)); yPoints[3] = (int)Math.round((double)yPoints[2] + 60*Math.cos(phi3)); }//pixels() /* force on Phi_1 */ public double forcephi1( double phi1, double omega1, double phi2, double omega2, double phi3, double omega3 ) { return (3*(64*grav*Math.sin(phi1) -3*grav*(6*Math.cos(2*(phi2 - phi3))*Math.sin(phi1) -9*Math.sin(phi1 - 2*phi2) + Math.sin(phi1 - 2*phi3)) -3*omega2*omega2*(-15*Math.sin(phi1 - phi2) +Math.sin(phi1 + phi2 - 2*phi3)) -3*omega1*omega1*(-9*Math.sin(2*(phi1 - phi2)) +Math.sin(2*(phi1 - phi3))) +omega3*omega3*(5*Math.sin(phi1 - phi3) +9*Math.sin(phi1 - 2*phi2 + phi3)))) / (-169. + 81*Math.cos(2*(phi1 - phi2)) -9*Math.cos(2*(phi1 - phi3)) +45*Math.cos(2*(phi2 - phi3))) - 0.1*reib*omega1; }//forcephi1() /* force on Phi_2 */ public double forcephi2( double phi1, double omega1, double phi2, double omega2, double phi3, double omega3 ) { return (3*(-54*grav*Math.sin(2*phi1 - phi2) +45*grav*Math.sin(phi2) + 6*grav*Math.sin(phi2 - 2*phi3) +3*omega1*omega1*(-33*Math.sin(phi1 - phi2) +5*Math.sin(phi1 + phi2 - 2*phi3)) +9*grav*Math.sin(2*phi1 + phi2 - 2*phi3) +omega3*omega3*(-9*Math.sin(2*phi1 - phi2 - phi3) +29*Math.sin(phi2 - phi3)) +3*omega2*omega2*(-9*Math.sin(2*(phi1 - phi2)) +5*Math.sin(2*(phi2 - phi3))))) / (-169. + 81*Math.cos(2*(phi1 - phi2)) -9*Math.cos(2*(phi1 - phi3)) +45*Math.cos(2*(phi2 - phi3))) - 0.1*reib*omega2; }//forcephi2() /* force on Phi_3 */ public double forcephi3( double phi1, double omega1, double phi2, double omega2, double phi3, double omega3 ) { return (3*(omega2*omega2*(9*Math.sin(2*phi1 - phi2 - phi3) -71*Math.sin(phi2 - phi3)) +3*omega3*omega3*(Math.sin(2*(phi1 - phi3)) -5*Math.sin(2*(phi2 - phi3))) +omega1*omega1*(-17*Math.sin(phi1 - phi3) +45*Math.sin(phi1 - 2*phi2 + phi3)) +grav*(-12*Math.sin(2*phi1 - phi3) -18*Math.sin(2*phi2 - phi3) + 5*Math.sin(phi3) +27*Math.sin(2*phi1 - 2*phi2 + phi3)))) / (-169. + 81*Math.cos(2*(phi1 - phi2)) -9*Math.cos(2*(phi1 - phi3)) +45*Math.cos(2*(phi2 - phi3))) - 0.1*reib*omega3; }//forcephi3() public double energy() { return (1./6.)*( - 3*grav*( 5*Math.cos(phi1) + 3*Math.cos(phi2) + Math.cos(phi3) ) + 7*omega1*omega1 + 4*omega2*omega2 + omega3*omega3 + 9*omega1*omega2*Math.cos(phi1-phi2) + 3*( omega1*Math.cos(phi1-phi3) + omega2*Math.cos(phi2-phi3) )*omega3 ); }//energy() public void runge_step_phi1() { k1[0] = dt*omega1; l1[0] = dt*forcephi1(phi1,omega1,phi2,omega2,phi3,omega3); k1[1] = dt*(omega1+l1[0]/2); l1[1] = dt*forcephi1(phi1+k1[0]/2,omega1+l1[0]/2,phi2,omega2,phi3,omega3); k1[2] = dt*(omega1+l1[1]/2); l1[2] = dt*forcephi1(phi1+k1[1]/2,omega1+l1[1]/2,phi2,omega2,phi3,omega3); k1[3] = dt*(omega1+l1[2]); l1[3] = dt*forcephi1(phi1+k1[2],omega1+l1[2],phi2,omega2,phi3,omega3); }//runge_step_phi1() public void runge_step_phi2() { k2[0] = dt*omega2; l2[0] = dt*forcephi2(phi1,omega1,phi2,omega2,phi3,omega3); k2[1] = dt*(omega2+l2[0]/2); l2[1] = dt*forcephi2(phi1,omega1,phi2+k2[0]/2,omega2+l2[0]/2,phi3,omega3); k2[2] = dt*(omega2+l2[1]/2); l2[2] = dt*forcephi2(phi1,omega1,phi2+k2[1]/2,omega2+l2[1]/2,phi3,omega3); k2[3] = dt*(omega2+l2[2]); l2[3] = dt*forcephi2(phi1,omega1,phi2+k2[2],omega2+l2[2],phi3,omega3); }//runge_step_phi2() public void runge_step_phi3() { k3[0] = dt*omega3; l3[0] = dt*forcephi3(phi1,omega1,phi2,omega2,phi3,omega3); k3[1] = dt*(omega3+l3[0]/2); l3[1] = dt*forcephi3(phi1,omega1,phi2,omega2,phi3+k3[0]/2,omega3+l3[0]/2); k3[2] = dt*(omega3+l3[1]/2); l3[2] = dt*forcephi3(phi1,omega1,phi2,omega2,phi3+k3[1]/2,omega3+l3[1]/2); k3[3] = dt*(omega3+l3[2]); l3[3] = dt*forcephi3(phi1,omega1,phi2,omega2,phi3+k3[2],omega3+l3[2]); }//runge_step_phi3() public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { if(evt.getActionCommand()==but_new.getActionCommand()) { stop(); startwerte(); //set initial values pixels(); //calculate pixelcoords update(g); //paint initial state start(); } if(evt.getActionCommand()==but_phi1_plus.getActionCommand()) { stop(); startwert[0] = startwert[0] + Math.PI/180*5; startwerte(); //set initial values pixels(); //calculate pixelcoords update(g); //paint initial state start(); } if(evt.getActionCommand()==but_phi1_min.getActionCommand()) { stop(); startwert[0] = startwert[0] - Math.PI/180*5; startwerte(); //set initial values pixels(); //calculate pixelcoords update(g); //paint initial state start(); } if(evt.getActionCommand()==but_phi2_plus.getActionCommand()) { stop(); startwert[1] = startwert[1] + Math.PI/180*5; startwerte(); //set initial values pixels(); //calculate pixelcoords update(g); //paint initial state start(); } if(evt.getActionCommand()==but_phi2_min.getActionCommand()) { stop(); startwert[1] = startwert[1] - Math.PI/180*5; startwerte(); //set initial values pixels(); //calculate pixelcoords update(g); //paint initial state start(); } if(evt.getActionCommand()==but_phi3_plus.getActionCommand()) { stop(); startwert[2] = startwert[2] + Math.PI/180*5; startwerte(); //set initial values pixels(); //calculate pixelcoords update(g); //paint initial state start(); } if(evt.getActionCommand()==but_phi3_min.getActionCommand()) { stop(); startwert[2] = startwert[2] - Math.PI/180*5; startwerte(); //set initial values pixels(); //calculate pixelcoords update(g); //paint initial state start(); } if(evt.getActionCommand()==but_reib_plus.getActionCommand()) { startwert_reib++; reib = startwert_reib; if(cb_stop.getState()) { update(g); } } if(evt.getActionCommand()==but_reib_min.getActionCommand()) { if(reib > 0) { startwert_reib--; reib = startwert_reib; if(cb_stop.getState()) { update(g); } } } }//actionPerformed(evt) public void start() { animator = new Thread(this); animator.start(); }//start() public void stop() { animator = null; offImage = null; offGraphics = null; }//stop() }