Seminar WS 2014/15

Kleine Körper im Sonnensystem /
Small bodies in the Solar System

Master Seminar

H.-P. Gail, D. Semenov

Location and Time:


Date Title Speaker Supervisor
17.10.14 Informal meeting, allocation of seminar talks    
24.10.14 no seminar (preparation of talks)
31.10.14 no seminar (preparation of talks)    
28.11.14 Physics and chemistry of cometary nuclei Chen Semenov
5.12.14 Moons of the outer planets Bosco Gail
12.12.14 Small planets in exo-solar systems Wefing Semenov
19.12.14 STARDUST, Deep Impakt, Hayabusa Riebesell Gail
26.12.14 no seminar (Christmas holiday)    
2.1.15 no seminar (Christmas holiday)    
9.1.15 Dynamics of meteorites in the solar system Renkenberger Gail
16.1.15 --- verschoben    
23.1.15 1. Space missions to asteroids and comets Dold Semenov
  2. Innerer Aufbau und Differenzierung der Asteroiden Fischer Gail
30.1.15 Meteorites Glasder Gail
6.2.15 no seminar: Klausurwoche    

Proposed topics for seminar talks:

  1. Oort-Familie Kometen --- Oort-family comets (S)
  2. Jupiter-Familie Kometen --- Jupiter-family comets (S)
  3. Physik & Chemie der Kometenköpfe --- Physics and chemistry of cometary nuclei (G oder S)
  4. Monde der äußeren Planeten --- Moons of the outer planets(G)
  5. Asteroidengürtel --- The asteroid belt (G)
  6. Innerer Aufbau und Differenzierung der Asteroiden --- Internal constitution and differentiation of asteroids (G)
  7. Zertrümmerung von Asteroiden --- Shattering of asteroids (G)
  8. Meteoriten --- Meteorites (G)
  9. Zodiakallicht und Zodiakal-Staub --- Zoidiacal light and dust (S)
  10. Dynamik der Metoriten im Sonnensystem (Yarkovskyeffekt, Resonanzen) --- Dynamics of meteorites in the solar system (G)
  11. Die Missionen zu Asteroiden & Kometen --- Space missions to asteroids and comets (S)
  12. STARDUST, Deep Impakt, Hayabusa (G)
  13. Exokometen in anderen Sonnensystemen --- exo-comets (S)
  14. Anomale Mengen schwerer Elementen in Weissen Zwergen (Exoasteroiden) --- Anomalous abundances of heavy elements in White Dwarfs (exo-asteroids) (G)
  15. Kleine Planeten anderer Sonnensysteme --- Small planets in exo-solar systems(S)
An (S) or (G) denotes guidance for the talks by Semenov or Gail

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