
I am currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Institut für Theoretische Astrophysik which is part of the Zentrum für Astronomie der Universität Heidelberg. After obtaining my PhD degree from the University of St Andrews in 2011, I held postdoctoral fellowships in France and Israel before returning to Germany. Learn more about me and my research below.

A complete version of my academic CV will soon be available here


My research interests lie within the area of gravitation and cosmology. In particular, my work has been focusing on the following topics:

  • Large-scale structure of the Universe
  • Gravitational lensing
  • Nature of dark matter and dark energy
  • Statistical methods in physics
  • Modified gravity theories
  • Observational probes of gravity


To view a current list of my publications on the arXiv preprint server, please use this link. Alternatively, you can retrieve my publications sorted on the NASA ADS according to citation counts from here.
If you are interested, you may also download my diploma thesis and my PhD thesis as pdf files.

Below you can find selected publications with a brief description of their scientific content. For more detailed information, simply click on the images to access the corresponding arXiv preprints.

arXiv:1612.07809, arXiv:1503.05945

New estimates of cosmic growth

Spatial modulations in the observed luminosity distribution of galaxies probe the cosmic peculiar velocity field out to large distances. This can be harnessed to constrain the growth rate of linear density perturbations, complementing bounds obtained from redshift-space distortions.


Probing "super-survey" scales

Radial motions generated from mass fluctuations outside the volume of a given galaxy redshift survey introduce additional redshift-space anisotropies. These are more pronounced at larger distances from the survey center, thus offering clues to the nature of mass fluctuations on scales larger than the actual survey volume.


Dr. Martin Feix
Institut für Theoretische Astrophysik
ZAH, Universität Heidelberg
Altes Physikalisches Institut
Philosophenweg 12
69120 Heidelberg, Germany
  • feix uni-heidelberg.de
  • +49 (0)6221 54 6709
  • +49 (0)6221 54 4702