import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.integrate import odeint def f(y,t,m): G = 6.67408e-08 # Gravitational constant in CGS units [cm^3/g/s^2] n = len(m) plan = y.reshape((n,6)) frc = np.zeros((n,3)) dy = np.zeros((n,6)) for i in range(n): x = plan[i,0:3] for j in range(i+1,n): x1 = plan[j,0:3] dx = x1-x r = np.sqrt(dx[0]**2+dx[1]**2+dx[2]**2) df = G*m[i]*m[j]*dx/r**3 frc[i,0:3] += df[0:3] frc[j,0:3] -= df[0:3] for i in range(n): x = plan[i,0:3].copy() v = plan[i,3:6].copy() dxdt = v dvdt = frc[i,0:3]/m[i] dy[i,0:6] = np.hstack((dxdt,dvdt)) return dy.reshape((6*n)) G = 6.67408e-08 # Gravitational constant in CGS units [cm^3/g/s^2] Msun = 1.98892e33 # Solar mass [g] Mju = 1.899e30 # Mass of Jupiter [g] year = 31557600.e0 # Year [s] au = 1.49598e13 # Astronomical Unit [cm] t0 = 0. # Starting time tend = 4.5*year # End time nt = 400 # Nr of time steps t = np.linspace(t0,tend,nt) m = np.array([Msun,Mju,Mju]) # Masses a0 = np.array([0.,au,1.15*au,]) # Semi-major axes phi0 = np.array([0.,0.,0.]) # Orbital locations in degrees nb = len(m) x0 = np.zeros((nb,3)) v0 = np.zeros((nb,3)) pos = np.zeros(3) mom = np.zeros(3) for i in range(1,nb): # Loop over all planets (i.e. excluding star) x0[i,0] = a0[i]*np.cos(phi0[i]*np.pi/180.) x0[i,1] = a0[i]*np.sin(phi0[i]*np.pi/180.) vphi = np.sqrt(G*m[0]/a0[i]) v0[i,0] = -vphi*np.sin(phi0[i]*np.pi/180.) v0[i,1] = vphi*np.cos(phi0[i]*np.pi/180.) pos[:] += m[i]*x0[i,:] mom[:] += m[i]*v0[i,:] x0[0,:] = -pos[:]/m[0] # Total center of mass must be at (0,0,0) v0[0,:] = -mom[:]/m[0] # Total momentum must be (0,0,0) xv0 = np.zeros((nb,6)) for i in range(nb): xv0[i,0:3] = x0[i,0:3] xv0[i,3:6] = v0[i,0:3] y0 = xv0.reshape(6*nb) # The full nb*6 element vector sol = odeint(f,y0,t,args=(m,)) # Solve the N-body problem xv = sol.reshape((nt,nb,6)) # Now extract again the x and v x = np.zeros((nb,3,nt)) v = np.zeros((nb,3,nt)) for i in range(nb): for idir in range(3): x[i,idir,:] = xv[:,i,idir] v[i,idir,:] = xv[:,i,3+idir] plt.figure() for ibody in range(nb): plt.plot(x[ibody,0,:]/au,x[ibody,1,:]/au) plt.xlabel('x [au]') plt.ylabel('y [au]') plt.axis('equal') plt.savefig('fig_nbody_1_1.pdf')