This is a subroutine package specifically developed for calculating
the dust production by AGB stars with varying C/O abundance ratios as
they develop along the AGB and dredge up carbon after each thermal
pulse. It solves the equations for dust growth, outflow velocity and temperature stratification in a stationary, spherically symmetric outflow. It is based on a simple outflow model and uses either a simple
analytic model for a gray dust temperature stratification in the
dust shell (rapid), or it calculates self-consistently temperatures for each dust species
by solving the radiative transfer problem in the dust shell and iterating to flux constancy (slow). In that case also the spectrum is calculated.
It considers the following dust species:
M-stars (oxygen rich):
olivine: Mg2xFe2(1-x)SiO4
(treated as binary solid solution)
pyroxene: MgxFe1-xSiO3
(treated as binary solid solution)
metallic iron: Fe
quartz: SiO2
corundum: Al2O3
hibonite: CaAl12O19
spinel: MgAl2O4
magnesio-wüstite: Mg0.5Fe0.5O
(treated as binary solid solution)
C-stars (carbon rich):
soot: C
silicon carbide: SiC
metallic iron: Fe
magnesium sulfide: MgS
The program is written in FORTRAN77
The details of the dust formation algorithm are essentially described in:
A.S Ferrarotti, H.-P. Gail (2006) Composition and quantities of
dust produced by AGB-stars and returned to the interstellar medium.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 447, 553-576
but is extended by some further species and in particular considers particle drift.
The following output-files are generated:
mstar.da: Wind model
N r T v rho P gamma kapH
= number, radius, grey temperature, bulk velocity, density, pressure, factor for radiation pressure, flux-averaged opacity
mstar-a.da: Particle radii
N r Oli Pyr Qtz Cor Hib Spi Irn Wue Car SiC MgS
= number, radius, radius olivine etc. (= 0 if not present)
N r T Oli xOli Pyr xPyr Qua Cor Hib Spi Fe Wue xWue Car SiC MgS
= number, radius, grey temperature, condensation degree olivine, composition olivine, etc. (= 1D-50 if not present)
mstar-t.da: Temperatures of species
N r Tgrau Oli Pyr Qtz Cor Hib Spi Irn Wue Car SiC MgS erH fEd
= number, radius, grey temperature, temperature of species (= 0 if not present), flux error, Eddington factor
mstar-v.da: Drift velocities of species (all species, even if not formed)
N r T v vOli vPyr vQua vFe vWue vCor vHib vSpi
= number, radius, grey temperature, bulk velocity, drift velocities of species
huel-M.sp: Spectrum, with
N lam nue bb Fnu Lnue taunue
= number, wavelength, frequency, stellar black body, flux(nue), luminosity(nue), optical depth of shell(nue)
Sample programs
Program files
subroutines for wind model: d-v0-4.incl (93 kB)
subroutines for radiative transfer: s-v4.incl (55 kB)
subroutines for simple opacity: op.incl (2.5 kB)
Input files
element abundances: abun.txt (0.2 kB)
definition of dust species: dustlist.txt (2.0 kB)
wavelength grid: lamO.txt (2.0 kB)
input parameter: starO.txt (0.2 kB) (Sample for a M-star)
input parameter: starC.txt (0.2 kB) (Sample for a C-star)
Files with dust opacities
(have to be placed in a sub-directory with name 'dudat'