I am currently a researcher in astronomy at Heidelberg University finishing up publications from my final PhD project.
In 2019, I graduated from Heidelberg University with a PhD in astronomy (Dr. rer. nat.). Before that, I was a PhD student
in the Star-Formation Group of Prof. Dr. Ralf Klessen at Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics,
Heidelberg. My main research interests lie in the field of first star formation, i.e. the evolution of Population III
(Pop III)
stars and the effects of their radiative feedback on their surroundings. In particular, I use (magneto-) hydrodynamical
simulations to study the influence of rotation, turbulence, and magnetic fields on the formation of Pop III stars. Furthermore,
together with collaborateurs at Portsmith University and at NAOJ, Tokyo, I studied the relevance of photoevaporations
of primordial minihalos by nearby Pop III stars and the subsequent minihalo evolution including chemical mixing when
the Pop III star goes off as supernova.
As PhD student, I was a member of the International Max Planck Research School for Astronomy and Cosmic Physics at the University of
Heidelberg (IMPRS-HD) and the Heidelberg Graduate School of Fundamental Physics (HGSFP).
PhD in Astronomy • 2014 - 2019
PhD Thesis: 'Diversity of Population III Star Formation'
Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, Heidelberg, Germany
Supervisors: apl. Prof. Dr. Simon Glover, Prof. Dr. Ralf Klessen
Member of IMPRS-HD and HGSFP
Master of Science in Physics • 2012-2014
Master Thesis: 'Non-Linear Structure Formation in Scalar-Tensor Gravity'
University Observatory, Munich, Germany
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jochen Weller
Postgraduate Diploma in Physics (EuroMasters) • 2012-2013
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Xavier Calmet
Bachelor of Science in Physics • 2009-2012
Bachelor Thesis: 'Galactic Magnetic Fields'
University Observatory, Munich, Germany
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Harald Lesch
Abitur • 2009
Focus subjects: Physics, Latin, Religious Education, Geography
Formation sites of Population III star formation: The effects of different levels of rotation and turbulence on the fragmentation behaviour of primordial gas
Wollenberg, Katharina M. J.; Glover, Simon C. O.; Clark, Paul. C.; Klessen, Ralf S.
MNRAS (2020; accepted for publication)
Dr. Katharina Wollenberg
Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics
Albert-Ueberle-Str. 2
69120 Heidelberg, Germany