Heidelberg Astronomers' Convention
Date: 02.10.2009
Location: Neuenheim Campus INF 306 (map)
Many working groups at the astronomy and physics institutes in Heidelberg are studying similar subjects. The goals of this meeting are to acquire an overview of the current astronomical and astrophysical research conducted in Heidelberg and to establish or enhance contacts between different groups and group members.
In order to achieve these goals, this meeting is organized with the main intention of bringing together as many involved scientists and students as possible.
The convention will start with brief talks which highlight recent scientific results from the participating institutes. After that, there will be roundtable discussions on various topics of particular interest, conducted by experts in these fields.
For participating, a registration is mandatory.
The number of participants of the discussions is limited to 25 per topic, assigned on a first-come-first-serve basis. You can change your topic selection later at any time. The deadline for registration (and all topic changes) is October 1st 2009, 18:00.
For members of HGSFP, IMPRS, ARI, ITA, ITP, LSW, MPIA, and MPIK, the Convention is free of charge.
Registration of scientists/students from other institutes can be granted on request.