
review articles

Formation of the First Black holes - Formation and evolution of the cosmic large-scale structure
contribution to the book "Formation of the first black holes" by D. Schleicher, 2018
The role of cosmology in modern physics
arXiv 1701.04469
B. Joachimi et al.:
Galaxy alignments - An overview
Space Science Review 193, 65 (2015)
lensing alignments
A. Kiessling et al.:
Galaxy alignments - Theory, modelling and simulations
Space Science Review 193, 67 (2015)
lensing alignments
D. Kirk et al.:
Galaxy alignments - Observations and impact on cosmology
Space Science Review 193, 139 (2015)
lensing alignments
Galactic angular momenta and angular momentum correlations in the cosmological large-scale structure
IJMPD 18/2, 173-222 (2009)
lensing alignments

publications in refereed journals

T. Röspel, A. Schlosser, BMS:
Approximating non-Gaussian Bayesian partitions with normalising flows - statistics, inference and application to cosmology
Bayes-inference statistical physics machine learning
R.M.M. Kuntz, H. von Campe, T. Röspel, M.Ph. Herzog, BMS:
Partition function approach to non-Gaussian likelihood - information theory and state variables for Bayesian inference
Bayes-inference statistical physics machine learning
B. Schosser, T. Röspel, BMS:
Markov walk exploration of model spaces - Bayesian selection of dark energy models with supernovae
Bayes-inference statistical physics
P. Riba Mello, M. Quartin, BMS:
On the full non-Gaussian surprise statistics and the cosmological concordance between DESI, SDSS and Pantheon+
Bayes-inference structures
L. Röver, BMS, T. Plehn:
PINNferring the Hubble function with uncertainties
Bayes-inference gravity machine learning
B. Schosser, P. Riba Mello, M. Quartin, BMS:
Bayesian distances for quantifying tensions in cosmological inference and the surprise statistic
Bayes-inference geometry
P. Banon, M. de Kieviet, BMS:
Friedmann-Robertson-Walker spacetimes from the perspective of geometric algebra
gravity geometry field theory
B. Ghosh, K. Nussbaumer, E.S. Giesel, BMS:
A unified linear intrinsic alignment model for elliptical and disc galaxies and the resulting ellipticity spectra
OJA, 7, 2024
structures alignments
M.Ph. Herzog, H. von Campe, R.M.M. Kuntz, L. Röver, BMS:
Partition function approach to non-Gaussian likelihoods - macrocanonical paritions and replicating Markov-chains
Bayes-inference statistical physics machine learning
R.M.M. Kuntz, M.Ph. Herzog, H. von Campe, L. Röver, BMS:
Partition function approach to non-Gaussian likelihoods - partitions for the inference of functions and the Fisher-functional
MNRAS 527, 8443 (2024)
Bayes-inference statistical physics machine learning
L. Röver, H. von Campe, M.Ph. Herzog, R.M.M. Kuntz, BMS:
Partition function approach to non-Gaussian likelihoods - physically motivated convergence criteria for Markov-chains
MNRAS 526, 473 (2023)
Bayes-inference statistical physics machine learning
T. Modak, T. Plehn, L. Röver, B. Schosser, BMS:
Cornering extended Starobinsky-inflation with CMB and SKA
SciPost Phys. 15, 47 (2023)
structures gravity
M. Sipp, BMS:
Scalar-Induced Gravitational Waves in a ΛCDM Cosmology
PRD 107, 063538 (2023)
perturbations structures gravity
L. Röver, L.C. Bartels, BMS:
Partition function approach to non-Gaussian likelihoods - formalism and expansions for weakly non-Gaussian cosmological inference
MNRAS 523, 2027 (2023)
Bayes-inference statistical physics machine learning
E.S. Giesel, B. Ghosh, BMS:
Etherington duality breaking - gravitational lensing in non-metric spacetimes versus intrinsic alignments
MNRAS 518, 5490 (2023)
lensing gravity
A. Kunkel, T. Chiueh, BMS:
A weak lensing perspective on nonlinear structure formation with fuzzy dark matter
MNRAS 527, 10538 (2023)
structures dark matter lensing
T. Dome, A. Fialkov, P. Mocz, BMS, M. Boylan-Kolchin, M. Vogelsberger:
On the Cosmic Web Elongation in Fuzzy Dark Matter Cosmologies
MNRAS 519, 4183 (2023)
structures dark matter
R. Arutjunjan, BMS, C. Kreutz:
Constructing Exact Confidence Regions on Parameter Manifolds of Non-Linear Models
statistics Bayes-inference
J.A. Lozano Torres, BMS:
Three-dimensional weak gravitational lensing of the 21-cm radiation background
MNRAS 512, 5135 (2022)
structures lensing
T. Modak, T. Plehn, L. Röver, BMS:
Probing the inflaton potential with SKA
SciPost Phys. Core 5, 037 (2022)
structures gravity
C. Döring, S. Centelles Chulia, Manfred Lindner, BMS, M. Bartelmann:
Gravitational wave induced baryon acoustic oscillations
SciPost Phys. 12, 114 (2022)
structures gravity perturbations
E.S. Giesel, B. Ghosh, BMS:
Intrinsic and extrinsic gravitational flexions
MNRAS 510, 2773 (2022)
structures lensing alignments
R. Reischke, V. Bosca, T. Tugendhat, BMS:
Testing modified (Horndeski) gravity by combining intrinsic galaxy alignments with cosmic shear
MNRAS 510, 4456 (2022)
alignments lensing
J. Zjupa, BMS, O. Hahn:
Intrinsic Alignments in IllustrisTNG and their implications for weak lensing - Tidal shearing and tidal torquing mechanisms put to the test
MNRAS 514, 2049 (2022)
structures alignments
B. Ghosh, R. Durrer, BMS:
Extrinsic and intrinsic correlations of galaxy shapes and sizes
MNRAS 505, 2594 (2021)
structures alignments
A.M.M. Pinho, R. Reischke, M. Teich, BMS:
Information entropy in cosmological inference problems
MNRAS 503, 1187 (2021)
statistics Bayes-inference
E. Giesel, R. Reischke, BMS, D. Chia:
Information geometry in cosmology
JCAP 01 (2021) 005
statistics Bayes-inference
M. Feix, S. Hagstotz, A. Pargner, R. Reischke, BMS, T. Schwetz:
Post-inflationary isocurvature perturbations from axions facing CMB and large scale structure
JCAP 11 (2020) 046
statistics dark matter gravity perturbations
Max Düll, N.L. Fisher, BMS, F.P. Schuller:
Symmetric gravitational closure
arXiv 2003.07109
gravity geometry field theory
M. Sipp, BMS, R.F. Reischke:
Optimising tomography for weak gravitational lensing surveys
MNRAS 501, 683 (2021)
statistics Bayes-inference lensing
R.F. Reischke, BMS:
Realistic systematic biases induced by residual intrinsic alignments in cosmic shear surveys
arXiv 1910.05994
Bayes-inference lensing alignments
M. Feix, J. Frank, A. Pargner, R.F. Reischke, BMS, T. Schwetz:
Isocurvature bounds on axion-like particle dark matter in the post-inflationary scenario
JCAP 05 (2019) 021
statistics Bayes-inference dark matter
A. Spurio Mancini, F. Köhlinger, B. Joachimi, V. Pettorino, BMS, R. Reischke, S. Brieden, M. Archidiacono, J. Lesgourgues:
KiDS+GAMA - Constraints on Horndeski gravity from combined large-scale structure probes
MNRAS 490, 2155 (2019)
statistics Bayes-inference lensing
R. Reischke, BMS, K. Boleijko, G.F. Lewis, M. Lautsch:
Influence of the local Universe on weak gravitational lensing surveys
MNRAS 486 5061 (2018)
statistics Bayes-inference lensing
R. Reischke, BMS:
Environmental dependence of ellipticity correlation functions of intrinsic alignments
JCAP 04 (2018) 031
statistics lensing alignments
A. Spurio Mancini, P.L. Taylor, R. Reischke, V. Pettorino, T. Kitching, V. Pettorino, BMS, B. Zieser, Ph.M. Merkel:
3D cosmic shear - numerical challenges, 3D lensing random fields generation and Minkowski Functionals for cosmological inference
PRD 98 103507 (2018)
statistics lensing Bayes-inference
T.M. Tugendhat, R. Reischke, BMS:
Statistical separation of weak gravitational lensing and intrinsic ellipticities based on galaxy colour information
MNRAS 494, 2969 (2020)
statistics lensing alignments
R. Reischke, A. Spurio Mancini, BMS, Ph.M. Merkel:
Investigating scalar-tensor-gravity with statistics of the cosmic large-scale structure
MNRAS 482, 3274 (2018)
gravity lensing alignments
A. Spurio Mancini, R. Reischke, V. Pettorino, BMS, M. Zumalacarregui:
Testing (modified) gravity with 3D and tomographic cosmic shear
MNRAS 480, 3725 (2018)
gravity lensing alignments
C. Cuesta Lazaro, A. Quera Bofarull, R. Reischke, BMS:
Gravitational corrections to light propagation in a perturbed FLRW-universe and corresponding weak lensing spectra
MNRAS 477, 741 (2018)
gravity lensing
T.M. Tugendhat, BMS:
Angular ellipticity correlations in a composite alignment model for elliptical and spiral galaxies and inference from weak lensing
MNRAS 476, 3460 (2018)
lensing alignments
Ph.M. Merkel, BMS:
Imitating intrinsic alignments - A bias to the CMB lensing-galaxy shape cross-correlation power spectrum induced by the large-scale structure bispectrum
MNRAS 471, 2431 (2017)
lensing alignments
D. Piras, B. Joachimi, BMS, S. Hilbert, M. Bonamigo, E. van Uitert:
The mass dependence of dark matter halo alignments with large-scale structure
MNRAS 474, 1165 (2018)
lensing alignments
Ph.M. Merkel, BMS:
Parameter constraints from weak lensing tomography of galaxy shapes and cosmic microwave background fluctuations
MNRAS 469, 2760 (2017)
statistics lensing alignments
R. Reischke, F. Pace, S. Meyer, BMS:
Shear and vorticity in the spherical collapse of dark matter haloes
MNRAS 473, 4558 (2018)
dark energy dark matter
F. Pace, R. Reischke, S. Meyer, BMS:
Effects of tidal gravitational fields in clustering dark energy models
MNRAS 466, 1839 (2016)
dark energy dark matter
R. Reischke, A. Kiessling, BMS:
Variations of cosmic large-scale structure covariance matrices across parameter space
MNRAS 465, 4016 (2016)
statistics Bayes-inference
R. Reischke, F. Pace, S. Meyer, BMS:
Spherical collapse of dark matter haloes in tidal gravitational fields
MNRAS 463, 429 (2016)
dark energy dark matter
BMS, R. Reischke:
Describing variations of the Fisher-matrix across parameter space
MNRAS 460, 3398 (2016)
statistics Bayes-inference
Ph.M. Merkel, BMS:
Extreme value statistics of CMB lensing deflection angles
MNRAS 453, 401 (2015)
lensing Bayes-inference
Planck collaboration:
Planck 2015 results. XXI. The integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect
A+A 594, A21 (2016)
Planck collaboration:
Planck 2015 results. XIV. Dark energy and modified gravity
A+A 594, A14 (2016)
CMB dark energy
Planck collaboration:
Planck intermediate results. XL. The Sunyaev-Zeldovich signal from the Virgo cluster
A+A 596, A101 (2016)
BMS, Ph.M. Merkel:
Angular spectra of the intrinsic galaxy ellipticity field, their observability and their impact on lensing in tomographic surveys
MNRAS 470, 3453 (2017)
lensing alignments statistics
E. Majerotto, D. Sapone, BMS:
Combined constraints on deviations of dark energy from an ideal fluid from Euclid and Planck
MNRAS 456, 109 (2016)
dark energy CMB
E. Selletin, BMS:
Non-Gaussian forecasts of weak lensing with and without priors
MNRAS 456, 1645 (2016)
lensing Bayes-inference statistics
Ph.M. Merkel, BMS:
A theoretical estimate of intrinsic ellipticity bispectra induced by angular momenta alignments
MNRAS 445, 2918 (2014)
structures alignments
S. Hagstotz, BMS, Ph.M. Merkel:
Born corrections to weak lensing of the cosmic microwave background temperature and polarisation anisotropies
MNRAS 454, 831 (2015)
CMB lensing
A. Giahi-Saravani, BMS:
Weak gravitational lensing of intrinsically aligned galaxies
MNRAS 437, 1847-1857 (2013)
lensing alignments
A. Grassi, BMS:
Detecting baryon acoustic oscillations by 3d weak lensing
MNRAS 437, 2632-2641 (2013)
PLANCK collaboration:
Planck 2013 results. XIX. The integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect
A+A 571, A19 (2014)
dark energy CMB
F. Capranico, A.F. Kalovidouris, BMS:
Extreme value statistics of the weak lensing convergence - primordial non-Gaussianities
arXiv 1305.1485
statistics lensing
Ph.M. Merkel, BMS:
Intrinsic alignments and 3d weak gravitational lensing
MNRAS 434, 1808-1820 (2013)
alignments lensing
M.L. Brown et al.:
Probing the accelerating Universe with radio weak lensing in the JVLA Sky Survey
arXiv 1312.5618
statistics Bayes-inference
A. Grassi, L. Heisenberg, C.T. Byrnes, BMS:
A test of the Suyama-Yamaguchi inequality from weak lensing
MNRAS 442, 1068 (2014)
lensing statistics Bayes-inference gravity
G. Jürgens, BMS:
integrated Sachs-Wolfe tomography with orthogonal polynomials
MNRAS 425, 2589-2598 (2012)
dark energy CMB Bayes-inference
A. Giahi-Saravani, BMS:
Evolution of intrinsic ellipticity correlations due to peculiar motion
MNRAS 428, 1312-1320 (2013)
lensing alignments
Ph.M. Merkel, BMS:
The interplay of CMB temperature lensing power reconstruction with primordial non-Gaussianity of local type
MNRAS 429, 444-451 (2013)
gravity CMB lensing
J. Delabrouille et al.:
The pre-launch Planck Sky Model - a model of sky emission at submillimetre to centimetre wavelengths
A+A 553, A96 (2013)
F. Capranico, Ph.M. Merkel, BMS:
Intrinsic ellipticity correlations of galaxies - models, likelihoods and interplay with weak lensing
MNRAS 435, 194 (2013)
lensing alignments
PLANCK collaboration:
Planck intermediate results. IX. Detection of the Galactic haze with Planck
A+A 554, A139 (2013)
PLANCK collaboration:
Planck intermediate results. VIII. Filaments between interacting clusters
A+A 550, A134 (2013)
PLANCK collaboration:
Planck Intermediate Results. X. Physics of the hot gas in the Coma cluster
A+A 554, A140 (2013)
J.B. Melin et al.:
A Comparison of Algorithms for the Construction of SZ Cluster Catalogues
A+A 548, A51 (2013)
G. Jürgens, BMS:
Cross bispectra and trispectra of the non-linear integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect and the tracer galaxy density field
MNRAS 430, 797-807 (2013)
CMB structures
Ph.M. Merkel, BMS:
Contributions to the nonlinear integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect - Birkinshaw-Gull effect and gravitational self-energy density
MNRAS 431, 2433-2440 (2013)
CMB structures
Planck collaboration:
Planck early results - The Planck mission
A+A 536, A1 (2011)
Planck collaboration:
Planck early results - The thermal performance of Planck
A+A 536, A2 (2011)
Planck collaboration:
Planck early results - The all-sky early Sunyaev-Zeldovich cluster sample
A+A 536, A8 (2011)
Planck collaboration:
Planck early results - XMM-Newton follow-up for validation of Planck cluster candidates
A+A 536, A9 (2011)
Planck collaboration:
Planck early results - Calibration of the local galaxy cluster Sunyaev-Zeldovich scaling relations
A+A 536, A11 (2011)
Planck collaboration:
Planck early results - Cluster Sunyaev-Zeldovich optical scaling relations
A+A 536, A12 (2011)
Planck collaboration:
Planck early results - first assessment of the High Frequency Instrument in-flight performance
A+A 536, A4 (2011)
Planck collaboration:
The early Release Compact Source Catalog
A+A 536, A7 (2011)
Planck collaboration:
Planck early results - Statistical analysis of Sunyaev-Zeldovich scaling relations for X-ray galaxy clusters
A+A 536, A10 (2011)
Planck collaboration:
Planck early results - The High Frequency Instrument data processing
A+A 536, A6 (2011)
BMS, Ph.M. Merkel:
Galactic angular momenta and angular momentum couplings in the large-scale structure
MNRAS 421, 2751-2762 (2012)
structures alignments
BMS, L. Heisenberg, A.F. Kalovidouris, D.J. Bacon:
On the validity of the Born-approximations for weak cosmic flexions
MNRAS 420, 455-467 (2012)
M. Bartelmann, M. Viola, P. Melchior, BMS:
Calibration biases in measurements of weak lensing
A+A 547A, 98 (2012)
Planck collaboration:
Planck early results - Detection with Planck and confirmation by XMM-Newton of PLCK G266.6-27.3, an exceptionally X-ray luminous and massive galaxy cluster at z~1
A+A 536, A26 (2011)
BMS, A. Grassi, M. Gerstenlauer, C.T. Byrnes:
A weak lensing view on primordial non-Gaussianities
MNRAS 421, 797-807 (2012)
gravity structures lensing
BMS, L. Heisenberg:
Weak lensing tomography with orthogonal polynomials
MNRAS 423, 3445-3457 (2012)
lensing structures Bayes-inference
Youness Ayaita, BMS, Maik Weber:
Investigating clustering dark energy with 3d weak cosmic shear
MNRAS 422, 3056-3066 (2012)
lensing structures dark energy
Planck collaboration:
Planck intermediate results - I. Further validation of new Planck clusters with XMM-Newton
A+A 543, A102 (2012)
Ph.M. Merkel, BMS:
Gravitational lensing of the cosmic microwave background by nonlinear structures
MNRAS 411, 1067-1076 (2011)
CMB lensing structures
P. Melchior, M. Viola, BMS, M. Bartelmann:
Weak gravitational lensing with DEIMOS
MNRAS 412, 1552-1558 (2011)
BMS, A.F. Kalovidouris, L. Heisenberg:
Parameter estimation biases due to contributions from the Rees-Sciama effect to the integrated Sachs-Wolfe spectrum
MNRAS 416, 1302-1310 (2011)
CMB Bayes-inference structures
L. Heisenberg, BMS, M. Bartelmann:
A study of relative velocity statistics in Lagrangian perturbation theory with PINOCCHIO
MNRAS 412, 3057-3066 (2011)
L. Hollenstein, D. Sapone, R. Crittenden, BMS:
Constraints on early dark energy from CMB lensing and weak lensing tomography
JCAP 4, 12 (2009)
CMB dark energy lensing
BMS, M. Douspis, N. Aghanim:
Implications of bias evolution on measurements of the iSW-effect - errors and biases in parameter estimation
MNRAS 397, 925-932 (2009)
CMB structures Bayes-inference
G.A. Caldera-Cabral, R. Maartens, BMS:
The growth of structure in interacting dark energy models
JCAP 7, 27 (2009)
structures dark energy
Mixed three-point correlation functions of the nonlinear integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect and their detectability
MNRAS 388, 1394-1402 (2008)
CMB structures
BMS, G.A. Caldera-Cabral, R. Maartens:
Constraints on the decay of dark matter to dark energy from weak lensing bispectrum tomography
lensing Bayes-inference
The integrated-Sachs-Wolfe effect in cosmologies with coupled dark matter and dark energy
MNRAS 388, 1403-1408 (2008)
CMB dark energy
D.J. Bacon, BMS:
Twist and turn - weak lensing image distortions to second order
MNRAS 396, 2167-2175 (2009)
lensing structures
W.J. Percival, BMS:
Galaxy peculiar velocities and the evolution of bias
MNRAS 385, L78 (2008)
BMS, K. Koyama:
Spherical collapse in modified gravity with the Birkhoff-theorem
MNRAS 385, 411-422 (2008)
BMS, M. Bartelmann:
Detecting Sunyaev-Zel'dovich clusters with PLANCK - 3. Properties of the SZ-cluster sample
MNRAS 377, 253-268 (2007)
CMB dark matter
BMS, M. Bartelmann:
Weak lensing in the second post-Newtonian approximation - Gravitomagnetic potentials and the iSW-effect
MNRAS 369, 425-440 (2006)
lensing gravity
BMS, C. Pfrommer, M. Bartelmann, V. Springel, L. Hernquist:
Detecting Sunyaev-Zel'dovich clusters with PLANCK - 1. Construction of all-sky thermal and kinetic SZ-maps
MNRAS 370, 1309-1323 (2006)
CMB dark matter
BMS, C. Pfrommer, R.M. Hell, M. Bartelmann:
Detecting Sunyaev-Zel'dovich clusters with PLANCK - 2. Foreground components and optimised filtering schemes
MNRAS 370, 1713-1736 (2006)
CMB dark matter
Coded mask imaging of extended sources with Gaussian random fields
BMS, N. Kawai:
A Fourier-based algorithm for modelling aberrations in HETE-2's imaging system
NIM A 500 (2003) 263-271
BMS, C. Pfrommer, S. Zaroubi:
Redshift estimation of clusters by wavelet decomposition of their Sunyaev-Zel'dovich morphology
MNRAS 362, 1418-1434 (2005)
CMB dark matter
BMS, W. Hofmann, H. Lampeitl, M. Hemberger:
Particle identification in ɣ-ray astronomy with the HEGRA Cerenkov-telescopes
NIM A 465 (2001) 394-403


Dark energy and the evolution of the cosmic large-scale structure
habilitation thesis, Heidelberg University, 2012
book dark energy
Methods for detecting and observing clusters of galaxies
phd-thesis, Munich University, 2005
book CMB dark matter
Particle identification with multifractal and wavelet parameters in γ-ray astronomy
diploma thesis, Heidelberg University, 2000

book contributions

The role of cosmology in modern physics
contribution to the book "Epistemology of fundamental physics" by R. Dawid, 2018
Formation of the First Black holes - Formation and evolution of the cosmic large-scale structure
contribution to the book "Formation of the first black holes" by D. Schleicher, 2018

lecture notes

general relativity
Heidelberg University Publishing
Heidelberg University Publishing
statistical physics
Heidelberg University Publishing
tooltips for theoretical physics
Heidelberg University Publishing
Heidelberg University Publishing
quantum mechanics
Heidelberg University Publishing

popular physics journals

Resonance and spectra of musical instruments
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popular science
The human machine - (thermo)dynamics of muscles
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Quantum mechanics and the Planck-spectrum
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Partition functions and statistical inference, done by Nature
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