Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Major merger
Quick links
Download the convention poster in JPG format
(PDF format on request)
Organization Committee
Christian Angrick (ITA)
Rolf Kuiper (MPIA)
Sophia Lianou (ARI)
Peter Melchior (ITA)
Benjamin Moster (MPIA)
astroconv (at)

Heidelberg Astronomers' Convention


As there are two discussion sessions with many topics running in parallel, it is not possible to guarantee that any two topics you could chose are not concurrent.
Therefore we ask you during registration to select up to four topics you are interested in, ordered according to their importance to you.

We guarantee that you can attend the first discussion you chose, and we are trying hard that you can also attend your favored second discussion. If this is not possible, we take the 3rd choice, or the 4th.

List of discussion topics


Verantwortlich: , letzte Änderung am 03.08.2009 15:01 CEST
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