Peter Melchior, Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics

RSS feeds for the AAS Job Register

You can now subscribe to feeds for all job categories listed in the AAS Job Register.

The feeds are updated every 24 hours. This parser should work smoothly as long as the AAS website does not change its format. Tell me if you encounter any trouble.

Faculty Positions (visiting & non-tenure)
Faculty Positions (tenure & tenure-track)
Pre-doctoral/Graduate Positions
Post-doctoral Positions & Fellowships
Science Engineering
Science Management
Scientific/Technical Staff


I'm consolidating my web projects in one place. Therefore the RSS feeds are moved to my new domain. If your RSS reader accepts 301 or XML redirects, you won't need to do anything, otherwise get the new feeds at
Due to a server migration that I had not noticed for a while, the RSS stream has been offline. Fixed.
I fixed the problem with the empty descriptions. From now on the ad descriptions are pulled from the ADS website once they become available; the feeds are then updated accordingly.
I noticed issues with the description of the job ads in the last three months (the description was empty in the feeds), but was never able to reproduce it. Today I figured that AAS posts the ad titles prior to the details (on the detail page you'll get a notices like "This job ad is not ready yet. You must be logged in as the owner of this job ad to view this ad. The job ad will be online on January 1, 2012." Well, January 1 has passed...
I see this as a flaw on their side, but will make sure that the RSS feeds get automatically updated once the entire ads are available.
Due to restructuring of the computing resources at ITA, I moved the feeds over to the main webserver. Please update the URLs from to
Due to a hard-disk crash, this website was unavailable for several days. Now it's back online and operations should resume as expected.
AAS did change their website, thus the parser was disfunctional for several days. Now it's up and working again.