University of Heidelberg


Here you find the right person to contact. If not, try the following:

  • Search the staff list for the name.
  • Write an email to the secretariat.


Albert-Ueberle-Straße 2
69120 Heidelberg

Phone: +49-6221-54-4837

Fax: +49-6221-54-4221

email: ita-office (at)

Mini research, MSc and PhD theses

Area Contact eMail Phone
Cosmology Matthias Bartelmann mbartelmann 4817
Star formation Ralf Klessen rklessen 8978
Planet formation Werner Tscharnuter wmt 4815
Astrochemistry Simon Glover sglover 4206
Numerical methods Robi Banerjee & Paul Clark banerjee / pcc 8967
Radiation fields Rainer Wehrse wehrse 8973

All phone numbers start with +49-6221-54- and all email addresses end with


Theoretical physics, astrophysics & astronomy

Examiner eMail Phone
Matthias Bartelmann mbartelmann 4817
Ralf Klessen rklessen 8978

Computer and network

For all questions on this topic contact Robi Banerjee.

Responsible: , last modification Nov/28/2023 15:02 CET
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