Python programming for scientists, group 5 - University of Heidelberg

The course takes 1 week: 19 Sep 2022 to 23 Sep 2022. Course Material: the material is organised in python notebooks that can directly be opened in jupyter. The notebooks for the letcures and the three problems can be found on GitHub. The course will start from basic information about python, proceed to arrays and calculations, plotting, fitting scientific data, to end with an overview on more advanced concepts as parallel programming and objects:

Day 1: Setting up, defining variables (strings, numbers, bools), control flow (if, for, while)

Day 2: Functions, modules, reading and writing files

Day 3: Numpy and Matplotlib, operations with arrays and plotting

Day 4: Scipy, fitting, interpolation and integration

Day 5: Object oriented programming and parallelisation

One passes the course (without grade, i.e. pass/fail) after obtaining 60% of the total points of the problem sets. The solution must be sent by email by October 9th (two weeks after the end of the course).

Theoretical Astrophyisics I - University of Heidelberg

Starting on October 17th. See the main page of the course: LSF