University of Heidelberg

Public Transport

A map with all public transports is offered here

You find more information about each route and the departure times on the homepage of the Verkehrverbund Rhein-Neckar

Attention please!

The RNV is constructing in the region around the Bismarckplatz and the Königsstuhls.
Due to changes in depature times in direction of the MPIK and Universitätsplatz the conference is involved by it.
In the coming PDFs you find the changes descriptions of directions, a map of the Bismarckplatz and the timetable of bus 39 at the Bismarckplatz. However, please pay attention to the notices and ask the service people at the Bismarckplatz for help if needed.
For the case you want to come to the MPIK by car, the diversion route is signposted.

Responsible: Roxana Chira, last modification Oct/29/2013 14:06 CET
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