University of Heidelberg

Staff Members of the Institute

NOTE: We are in the process of changing our email system. So keep in mind that only the addresses that contain an @-symbol are valid at this point (31.08.2011).

Name Building Room Phone eMail
An error has occured while accessing the database. Please try again later.
Secretary's Office 2 105 4837 ita
Institute Fax 2 105 4221 -
Guests 3-5 012 4838 -
Library 2 U04 6711 -
Mini Researchers 2 U05 6710 -

To call a staff member, you have to dial the following numbers followed by the 4-digit number (xxxx) given in the table above, depending on your location:

Within the university: xxxx
Within Heidelberg: 54 xxxx
Within Germany: 06221 54 xxxx
From abroad: +49 6221 54 xxxx

Responsible: , last modification Aug/31/2011 22:46 CEST
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