
Planned for v0.31

  • Nested mesh support
  • Data inspector GUI
  • Line RT analysis tools


  • Python3 compatibility
  • Integration of Kees’ Mie-scattering code (radmc3dPy.miescat, meth:radmc3dPy.dustopac.radmc3dDustOpac.computeDustOpacMie) for dust opacity calculation
  • New package (sphtool) for re-gridding 3D Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations to regular or AMR grids, including some basic visualisation of the SPH simulations
  • Possibility for modular module setup (i.e. generation of grids, variables, radiation sources, etc independently of each other) using the new class radmc3dModel.
  • Functions to plot dust opacities (radmc3dPy.analyze.plotDustOpac()), and scattering matrix elements (radmc3dPy.analyze.plotScatmat())
  • New function (radmc3dPy.dustopac.radmc3dDustOpac.writeOpac()) to write dust opacities to file
  • Internal structural changes (splitting the analyze module to smaller modules, for easier maintenance, but all previous functionality of the analyze module is kept intact)
  • Numpy’s fromfile() function is now used for reading dust opacities in radmc3dPy.dustopac.radmc3dDustOpac, which makes the file reading less sensitive to the presence of empty lines in the file dust opacity files
