Overview of the RADMC-3D package


The RADMC-3D code is written in fortran-90 and should compile with most f90 compilers without problems. It needs to be compiled only once for each platform.

The executable is called radmc3d and it performs all the model calculations of the RADMC-3D package, for instance the Monte Carlo simulations, ray-tracing runs (images, spectra), etc. There is also a set of useful subroutines written in the Python language to use the radmc3d code, but radmc3d can also run without it. In that case the user will have to write his/her own pre- and post-processing subroutines.


The following pre-installed software is required:

  1. Operating system: Unix-like (e.g. Linux or MacOSX)

    This package runs under Unix-like environment (e.g. Linux or MacOSX), but has not been tested under Windows. There is no particular reason why it should not also run under Windows, but it would require different ways of file handling. In this manual we always assume a Unix-like environment, in which we will make use of a bash command-line interface (CLI). We will call this the shell.

  2. make or gmake

    This is the standard tool for compiling packages on all Unix/Linux/MacOS-based systems.

  3. perl

    This is a standard scripting language available on most or all Unix/Linux-based systems. If you are in doubt: type which perl to find the location of the perl executable. See http://www.perl.org/ for details on perl, should you have any problems. But on current-day Unix-type operating systems perl is nearly always installed in the /usr/bin/ directory. If you do not have Perl installed, you can also do without. Its sole use is to copy the executables into your home $HOME/bin/ directory for quick access from the Unix/Linux/MacOS command line. You can work around that, if necessary.

  4. A fortran-90 compiler

    Preferably the gfortran compiler (which the current installation assumes is present on the system). Website: http://gcc.gnu.org/fortran/. Other compilers may work, but have not been tested yet.

  5. An OpenMP-fortran-90 compiler (optional)

    Only needed if you want to use the parallelized OpenMP version for the thermal Monte Carlo (for faster execution). Preferably the GNUOpenMP/GOMP compiler which is an implementation of OpenMP for the Fortran compiler in the GNU Compiler Collection. Websites: http://openmp.org/wp and http://gcc.gnu.org. Other compilers may work, but we give no guarantee.

  6. Python version 3 with standard libraries

    The core RADMC-3D code radmc3d (written in Fortran-90) is the raw workhorse code that reads some input files and produces some output files. Typically you will not need to worry about the internal workings of the RADMC-3D code. All you need to do is produce the proper input files, run radmc3d, and read the output files for post-processing (such as displaying and analyzing the results). This pre- and post-processing is done in Python. This RADMC-3D distribution provides you with the Python tools you need, though you will likely want to program your own additional Python code to adjust the models to your own needs. To use the Python tools provided in this RADMC-3D distribution, you need Python version 3 (though most things should also work with the depricated Python 2), with a set of standard libraries such as numpy and matplotlib. Typically we will assume that Python is used as a Python or iPython command-line interface, which we shall call the Python command line (as opposed to the shell). The user can, of course, also use Jupyter Notebooks instead. But for the sake of clarity, in this manual we assume the use of Python the Python command line.

Note that the Monte Carlo code RADMC-3D itself (radmc3d) is in Fortran-90. Only the creation of the input files (and hence the problem definition) and the analysis of the output files is done in Python. The user is of course welcome to use other ways to create the input files for RADMC-3D if he/she is not able or willing to use Python for whatever reason. Therefore Python is not strictly required for the use of this code. However, all examples and support infrastructure is provided in Python.

Contents of the RADMC-3D package

RADMC-3D package as a .zip archive

If you obtain RADMC-3D from its website, it will be packed in a zip archive called radmc-3d_v*.*_dd.mm.yy.zip where the *.* is the version number and dd.mm.yy is the date of this version. To unpack on a linux, unix or Mac OS X machine you type:

unzip <this archive file>

i.e. for example for radmc-3d_v2.0_25.08.20.zip you type:

unzip radmc-3d_v2.0_25.08.20.zip

RADMC-3D package from the github repository

If you obtain RADMC-3D by cloning its github repository, you will get a copy of the full git repository of RADMC-3D. In principle this is not much different from unzipping the .zip archive. But it is more powerful: You can more easily stay up to date with the latest bugfixes, and you can see the entire development history of this version of the code. See https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2 for an extensive documentation of how to use git.

The way to produce a clone of RADMC-3D in the directory where your shell is currently is, is like this:

git clone https://github.com/dullemond/radmc3d-2.0.git

This will create the directory radmc3d-2.0/. At any time you can pull the latest version from the repository like this:

cd radmc3d-2.0/
git pull

Keep in mind, however, that while the repository is always the very latest version, this comes with a (small) risk that some new features may not have been tested well, or (new) bugs may have been introduced. Overall, however, we advise to use the github repository instead of the .zip archive from the website.

Contents of the package

The RADMC-3D package has the following subdirectory structure:


plus some further directories.

The first directory, src/, contains the fortran-90 source code for RADMC-3D. The second directory, python/, contains two sets of Python modules that are useful for model preparation and post-processing. One is a directory called radmc3d_tools/, which contains some simple Python tools that might be useful. The other is a directory called radmc3dPy/, which is a high-level stand-alone Python library developed by Attila Juhasz for RADMC-3D. The third directory contains a series of example models. The fourth directory, opac/ contains a series of tools and data for creating the opacity files needed by RADMC-3D (though the example models all have their own opacity data already included), The fifth directory contains this manual.

Units: RADMC-3D uses CGS units

The RADMC-3D package is written such that all units are in CGS (length in cm, time in sec, frequency in Hz, energy in erg, angle in steradian). There are exceptions:

  • Wavelength is usually written in micron

  • Sometimes angles are in degrees (internally in radian, but input as degrees)