Version tracker: Development history

This version overview is very rough, and has only been started as of version 0.25.

  • Version 0.25

    • Second order integration, based on a vertex-based grid (as opposed to the usual cell-based grid), implemented. This gives much smoother images, and you don’t see the blocky cell structure anymore in the images. It requires extra memory, though. See Section Second order ray-tracing (Important information!).

    • The number of photons for scattering Monte Carlo (i.e. the small MC run done before each image, if dust scattering is active) can now be chosen to be smaller for when you make a spectrum instead of an image. Reason: Since you anyway integrate over the images for a spectrum, you do not need the image to ‘look nice’, i.e. you can afford more photon noise. You can set this in radmc3d.inp by setting nphot_spec=10000, for instance. See Section Scattered light in images and spectra: The ‘Scattering Monte Carlo’ computation.

  • Version 0.26

    • For line transfer: Added the ‘doppler catching’ method to the code. This prevents bad numerical artifacts in images/spectra of regions with large velocity gradients, where the doppler-shift between two neighboring cells exceeds the intrinsic line width of the material in the cell. See Section Preventing doppler jumps: The ‘doppler catching method’.

    • NOTE: Up to, and including, version 0.26_23.02.11 this method (and for that matter any second order integration of line transfer) was not stable when strong shocks or contact discontinuities were encountered. This was because interpolation of the source function \(S_\nu\equiv j_\nu/\alpha_\nu\) was done. Experimentation showed that interpolation of the emissivity \(j_\nu\) is much more stable. As of version 0.26_27.02.11 this is fixed.

  • Version 0.27

    • For line transfer: Implemented the possibility to use a Voigt line profile instead of just a Gaussian. This was implemented by Thomas Peters, and slightly modified by CPD. It uses the Voigt approximation by Humlicek JQSRT 27, 437 (1982) as programmed by Schreier, JQSRT 48, 743 (1992). It requires a user-defined subroutine userdef_compute_lorentz_delta() that sets the value of the Lorentz profile delta. This implementation is not yet documented, and may still be subject to modification.

    • Implemented the ‘Large Velocity Gradient’ (LVG) method (also called the Sobolev method) of approximate non-LTE line transfer.

    • Implemented the optically thin populations method.

    • Implemented the possibility of reading linelist molecular data instead of full molecular data. Still needs testing.

    • Finally implemented the positive lines_mode modes, i.e. in which the level populations are computed and stored globally before the ray-tracing. This has been latently in the code somewhat, but unfinished. Now it is implemented. The advantage is: it may be under some conditions much faster than the on-the-fly computation of the populations during the ray-tracing (the negative lines_mode modes). Also it allows you to write the populations to file, so that you can examine them. Disadvantage: It is memory hungry.

    • The level subset capacilities are now limited to only the storage of the levels in the global arrays (for positive lines_mode modes), and to the lines that will appear in images/spectra. For the rest, the full set of levels are always used from now on.

    • Added a directory ‘opac/‘ which contains programs for generating your own dust opacities using optical constants from the web, and for generating your own molecular/atomic input data files using data from several web pages. The data from the web are not included, but there are README files that point you to the web sites.

    • Tested the ‘fisheye’ fulldome (OMNIMAX) projection. It seems to work! Thanks to Mario Flock.

    • Several small (and bigger) bugfixes

      • Fixed bug that showed up when no dust is included.

      • Fixed bug that caused RADMC-3D to crash when using no stars.

      • Fixed bug that caused RADMC-3D to crash when making images at very short wavelengths with nearly zero thermal emission.

      • Fixed bug in the AMR module when using second order integration or the doppler catching method with certain kinds of AMR-arrangements of cells.

      • Fixed many bugs when using a ‘piece of a cake’ model, i.e. using spherical coordinates in 3-D, but having the \(\phi\)-grid going not over the full \(0-2\pi\) range but e.g. just from 0 to \(\pi/4\). It is rather rare that one really wants to use such grids (certainly not for real physical models, I presume), but for visualization of data it might be useful: for instance for visualizing a 3-D disk MHD model, which is cut open so you can see also to the midplane. Now it works. Thanks to Mario Flock.

      • Fixed bug with the aperture mode for spectra. Thanks to Daniel Harsono.

      • Fixed many bugs in linelist mode; now it works. Thanks to Attila Juhasz.

      • Fixed a bug in LVG mode that caused it to fail when AMR was used. Thanks to Anika Schmiedeke.

      • Fixed a tiny bug in idl/ filename was unused. Thanks to Stella Offner.

      • Retroactive bugfix from version 0.28 (see below): LVG and AMR mode.

      For details and for smaller bugfixes, read the src/Radmc_3D_LOG.txt document.

  • Version 0.28

    • A number of people complained that even without AMR the code requires a huge amount of memory. That is because even if no AMR is used, the cells are connected via the AMR tree. Since the AMR cells contain information about which are the neighboring cells, and each cell has 6 neighbors, and slots for 8 child-cells (which are unused in case of a regular grid) this wastes a lot of memory space. The first big improvement in version 0.28 is that, from now on, the AMR tree is only set up and used if the grid indeed has refinement. If RADMC-3D notices that the grid is regular, it will not allocate space for the AMR tree, and everywhere in the code where the cell-management is done the code will switch to regular grid mode. There is now a flag amr_tree_present that says whether the AMR tree is present or not. Throughout the code there are now if-statements to switch between using or not-using the AMR tree. This may make the code a tiny bit slower, but this is only a minor reduction of speed. But as a result it should now be much easier to load huge regular grid models into memory.

    • A small (but potentially nasty) bug was found and fixed for the case when you use LVG mode on a grid with AMR-refinements. For the regular grid case (even in version 0.27, when it still used the AMR tree) this bug should not have caused problems, but perhaps you might want to check nevertheless. Note: This bug is now also retroactively fixed in version 0.27. See, as always, src/Radmc_3D_LOG.txt for details.

    • Added the possibility to visualize the location (along the line of sight) of the \(\tau=1\) surface (or any \(\tau=\tau_s\) surface for that matter). See new Section Visualizing the \tau=1 surface. This can be very useful for getting a 3-D feeling for where certain emission comes from.

  • Version 0.29

    • The big change in this version is that the whole stuff with the global storage of level populations has been improved. In earlier versions of RADMC-3D, either the populations of all levels of a molecule were stored globally (potentially requiring huge amounts of memory), or you would have to select a ‘subset’ of levels to store globally. This subset selection had to be done by the user (‘manually’, so to speak). You would have had to think a-priori which lines you wish to model, and which levels they connect, and then, in the lines.inp file you would have to select these levels by hand. That was cumbersome and prone to error. To avoid having to do this you could use ‘on-the-fly’ calculation of populations (by making the lines_mode negative), but that sometimes caused the code to become terribly slow. Now this is dramatically improved: From now on you can forget about the ‘on-the-fly’ calculation of populations. Just use the ‘normal’ way by which RADMC-3D first calculates the populations and then starts the ray-tracing. The subset-selection is now done automatically by RADMC-3D, based on which wavelengths you want to make the image(s) or spectra for (see Section Background information: Calculation and storage of level populations). Now the on-the-fly methods are no longer default and should not be used, unless absolutely necessary. Also the ‘manual’ subset selection is no longer necessary (though still possible if absolutely desired).

    • Added the subbox and sample capabilities to the level populations. See Sections Making a regularly-spaced datacube (‘subbox’) of AMR-based models and Alternative to subbox: arbitrary sampling of AMR-based models. Note that, in order to make it easier to identify which levels were written to file, the file formats of ***_subbox.out and ***_sample.out have been slightly modified: A list of identification numbers is added before the main data. For the dust temperature and dust density this list is simply 1 2 3 4 … (dust species 1, dust species 2, dust species 3 …), which is trivial. For the level populations (e.g. the file levelpop_co_subbox.out and levelpop_co_sample.out for the CO molecule) this list is, however, essential when not all levels were computed (see Section Background information: Calculation and storage of level populations). So if only level 4 and level 8 are stored, then the identification list is 4 8.

    • Fixed a bug which caused the code to crash when you put a star substantially far outside of the domain and try to make an image or spectrum. Thanks, Erika Hamden, for the bug report.

    • Fixed a bug that prevented the lines_mode=50 mode from working. Now it works, and we can ask RADMC-3D to read the level populations from file (rather than calculating them internally). Also a new section was added to this manual describing this option (Section Non-LTE Transfer: Reading the level populations from file).

    • Added VTK output options (see chapter Visualization with VTK tools (e.g. Paraview or VisIt)) for allowing 3-D visualization of your model setups using e.g. Paraview, a freely available visualization tool.

    • Fixed a bug that occurred sometimes if a spectrum was made at inclination 90 and phi 90. Thanks Stella Offner for reporting this bug.

  • Version 0.30

    • Fixed bugs in the Henyey-Greenstein scattering mode.

    • Introduced the new binary I/O feature: No more hassle with f77-unformatted records! The new binary mode is much simpler and more straightforward. This will help reducing the file sizes for large models. See Chapter Binary I/O files.

  • Version 0.31

    • Added the possibility, in cartesian coordinates, to ‘close the box’, in the sense of making the domain boundaries thermal walls. Each of the 6 boundaries can be set separately, so you can also have just one thermall wall. Also the temperatures can be set separately for each of the 6 boundaries. See Section Thermal boundaries in Cartesian coordinates.

    • Added two new coordinate systems:

      • Cartesian 1-D plane-parallel (the only remaining active coordinate is \(z\)). The \(x\) and \(y\) dimensions are infinitely extended and have translational symmetry. The photons can, however, travel in full 3-D as always. See Section 1-D Plane-parallel models.

      • Cartesian 2-D pencil-parallel (the two remaining active coordinate are \(y\) and \(z\)). The \(x\) dimension is infinitely extended and has translational symmetry. The photons can, however, travel in full 3-D as always.

      • For the 1-D plane-parallel mode it is possible to include parallel beams of radiative flux impinging on the 1-D atmosphere.

      • Attila Juhasz has improved the VTK output: Now it also supports 3-D spherical coordinates. Thanks, Attila!

  • Version 0.32

    This is an intermediate version in which some stuff for the near-future modus of polarization is implemented.

  • Version 0.33

    • Some minor technical changes to the doppler-catching integration of lines (storing the upper and lower level population instead of the jnubase and anubase variables).

    • Added the classical escape probability to the LVG mode (see Section Non-LTE Transfer: The Large Velocity Gradient (LVG) + Escape Probability (EscProb) method for details).

    • Sped up the filling of the matrix of the statistical equilibrium equation.

    • Vastly improved the LVG (and esc prob) method: Instead of the simple ‘lambda iteration style’ iteration as it was before, the \(A_{ik}\) is now multiplied with \(\beta_{ik}\) (the escape probability of the line i->k) and the \(J_{ik}\) is replaced by \(J_{ik}^{\mathrm{background}}\). This means that the solution is almost instant, requiring only 2 or 3 iterations.

  • Version 0.34

    Implemented the Modified Random Walk method, based on Min, Dullemond, Dominik, de Koter & Hovenier (2009) A&A 497, 155, and simplified by Robitaille (2010) A&A 520, 70. But beware: Still in the testing phase! By default it is switched off.

  • Version 0.35

    • Implemented polarized scattering off randomly oriented particles. But beware: Still in the testing phase!

    • Fixed a bug in the modified random walk method (thanks to Daniel Harsono for spotting the problem and thanks to Attila Juhasz for finding the fix!)

    • Fixed two bugs that made it impossible to use second order integration with axially symmetric spherical coordinates and/or a finite-size star (thanks to Rolf Kuiper for reporting the bug).

    • Added the sloppy command line option to spectrum and image making in spherical coordinates. This was necessary because RADMC-3D is always trying to make 100% sure that all cells are picked up by the subpixels. In spherical coordinates these cells can be extremely non-cubic (they can be extremely flat or needle-like), which means that under some projections RADMC-3D feels obliged to do extreme sub-pixeling, which can make image- and spectrum-making extremely slow. By adding the sloppy keyword on the command line, RADMC-3D will limit it’s pubpixeling which could speed up the calculation very much (but of course at your own risk!).

  • Version 0.38

    • Implemented OpenMP parallellization of the thermal Monte Carlo (by Adriana Pohl). Still beta-version.

    • Bugfix in the mean intensity computation (mcmono) mode (thanks to Gwendoline Stephan).

    • Bugfix in the mean intensity computation (mcmono) mode (thanks to Seokho Lee).

    • Major bugfix in aperture mode (thanks to So ren Frimann).

    • Unformatted image format is from now on C-style binary instead of F77-style unformatted.

    • The viewimage tool is now ported to Qt by Farzin Sereshti, meaning that you can now use viewimage without having an IDL license. Viewimage is a very powerful tool to interactively make and view images of your model at different wavelengths and viewing angles. It can be found in the directory viewimage_QT_GUI/.

    • A Python package for RADMC-3D was developed by Attila Juhasz. It is included as of RADMC-3D version 0.38 in the directory python/.

  • Version 0.39

    • Polarization mode is incompatible with mirror mode (in spherical coordinates). An error message is now included to catch this.

    • Minor bugfix in pick_randomfreq_db() (thanks to Seokho Lee).

    • Optimization of the OpenMP parallellization and extension of the OpenMP parallellization to the Scattering Monte Carlo computation (both by Farzin Sereshti).

    • Bugfix in amrray_module.f90: Sometimes one got ‘Photon outside of cell’ error due to a numerical precision round-off error. This bug is now (mostly?) fixed.

    • Bugfix in sources_module.f90: When using second order integration (or doppler catching) for line transfer in spherical coordinates, the line doppler shift was not transformed to spherical coordinates. This is now fixed.

    • Several bugfixes in the modified random walk method by John Ramsey. The method crashed for extreme optical depth problems due to out-of-cell events. Still not 100% perfect, but better.

    • John Ramsey also proposed two small fixes to the Planck function routines so that the events of overflow are caught. Note: This might change the results (in a tiny way: at the machine precision level) to the extent that a model run by an old version might not yield the same values to machine precision, but the differences should not matter in any meaningful way.

  • Version 0.40

    • The RADMC-3D package is now ‘officially’ converting from IDL to Python wrappers. The Python modules were already there since a long time (thanks to Attila Juhasz!). But as of version 0.40 we will no longer update/maintain the IDL scripts (though they remain there and should remain working), and instead use python as the main setup and analysis tools for RADMC-3D. The full conversion will still take some time, but should be finished by the end of version 0.40.

    • Under some circumstances the simple 2x2 pixel plus sub-pixeling method for making spectra (default method) can be dangerous. For some grid geometries this can lead to under-resolving of the images that are integrated to obtain the flux, leading to a too low flux. So as of now 15.09.2016 the spectra and SEDs are always by default made with 100x100 images (and sub-pixeling of course). One can set the number of pixels with npix. So if you do radmc3dsednostarnpix2 you get the original behavior again.

    • Bugfix in montecarlo_module.f90: The internal heat source method (which is still being tested) had a bug. The bug manifested itself for optically thin cells with non-negligible internal heat production. The energy was not immediately added to the cell. It only got added upon re-absorption of that photon package. Now this is fixed.

    • I now added some documentation for the heat source method, which is useful for e.g. disk viscous accretion heating.

    • Bugfix in montecarlo_module.f90: When using mirror symmetry in spherical coordinates in the \(\theta\)-coordinate (i.e. modeling only the upper part of the disk and letting RADMC-3D assume that the lower part is identical), the distributed source luminosity was computed only for the top quadrant, and wasn’t multiplied by 2. For most applications this does not cause problems, but for the heat source (see above), for continuous stellar sources and for the thermal origin of the isotropic scattering luminosity (for non-isotropic scattering, mirror symmetry was not allowed anyway), this could lead to a factor of 2 underestimation (only if mirror symmetry was used, i.e. if the \(\theta\) coordinate was going only up to \(\pi/2\)). This is now fixed. To test if the fix works one can simply make the same model again, but now without using mirror symmetry (and thus using twice as many cells in \(\theta\), to cover both the upper and lower half of the object). This should yield (apart from some Monte Carlo noise) the same results.

    • Improved the stability of the Modified Random Walk (MRW) method a bit further.

    • Bug fix: scattering mode 3 (tabulated phase function, but not full polarization) had a bug which caused images of scattered light to be multiplied by some arbitrary number. Reason: as a phase function it returned \(Z_{11}\) instead of \(4\pi Z_{11}/\kappa_{\mathrm{scat}}\). Most people use either isotropic scattering (scattering mode 1), or Henyey-Greenstein (scattering mode 2) or full polarization (scattering mode 5), all of which are ok. At any rate: the problem is now fixed, so scattering mode 3 should now also work.

  • Version 0.41

    • Implemented a first testing version of the aligned grains: only polarized thermal emission so far. Still very much a testing version.

    • Implemented a method to also allow full Stokes vector polarized scattering in the 2-D axisymmetric mode in spherical coordinates. Until now the full scattering mode (scattering mode 5) was only possible in full 3-D. Note however that anisotropic scattering in 2-D axisymmetric models requires scattering mode 5, which is the full scattering mode. It is still not possible to use intermediate scattering modes (like henyey-greenstein or any scattering mode between 2 and 4) in 2-D axisymmetry. But those intermediate modes are anyway more for testing than for real models, so that should be ok.

    • Bugfixes to the OpenMP stuff. In particular the OpenMP parallellization of the scattering MC crashed. This is now fixed. In general the OpenMP stuff was a bit cleaned up.

    • Bugfix in thermal Monte Carlo with full polarization mode: needed to reset the photon package after each thermal absorption/re-emission event. Usually the effect is subtle, but had to be fixed.

    • Bugfix in reading the scattering_angular_grid.inp: the theta angles should be converted into radian. But this file was not officially offered before anyway.

    • Attila Juhasz has made a large improvement of his python package for RADMC-3D. See the python/ directory. This is version 0.29 of his package. This package now also supports reading and writing AMR grids.

    • Bugfix in VTK for 3-D spherical coordinates (thanks Attila Juhasz!). Now it should work.

  • Version 2.0

    Version 2.0 is the version after 0.41. We skip version 1.0, because version 1.0 could be mistaken for the first version of the code. Version 2.0 is mostly the same as 0.41, but with a few differences.

    • IDL support is removed permanently. From now on, the front-end functionality is only in Python. We assume Python 3.

    • Version 0.30.2 of the radmc3dPy Python package (written by Attila Juhasz) has been implemented. It is also being improved, mainly to make its use easier (i.e. with more automatic default behavior).

    • A very simple reading library is provided as a ‘light version’ of radmc3dPy. It contains only some basic reading functions, and only for ascii output (no binary files).

    • Some of the standard-output is shortened. You can also call a Monte Carlo run with radmc3d with the command line options countwrite 100000 to make RADMC-3D write a message only every \(10^5\) photon packages instead of every thousand.

    • We removed the fortran-unformatted data format from the manual, and will remove it from the code in later versions. Use either text (ascii) format or binary format.

    • The manual is now converted to Sphinx, from which the LaTeX version and the HTML version can be automatically created.

    • [as of 11.11.2021] BUGFIX: For OpenMP parallel thermal Monte Carlo computation of the dust temperatures for multiple grain species or sizes, when iranfreqmode=1 (as opposed to the default value of iranfreqmode=0), the dust temperatures could acquire errors because the pick_randomfreq_db() subroutine uses the array db_cumul(:) as thread private, but without having it declared as such. This led to interference between threads. This is now fixed.